These children need our love and support
While we cannot bring back the nurturing and caring love of their mothers, fathers, and siblings, we can ensure that the rest of their lives will be lived in dignity and happiness.

Donate today to help provide for the children of Turkey and Syria.

The Earthquake Orphans’ Campaign

The pain of seeing innocent children suffer in the aftermath of the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey is unbearable. Their bruised and injured little bodies as well as the sadness in their eyes tell of a horrific tragedy forever seared in their memory.

Looking away is a crime. These children need love and support. While we cannot bring back the nurturing and caring love of their mothers, fathers, and siblings, we can ensure that the rest of their lives will be lived in dignity and happiness.
ELMY For Children visited the devastated areas in May 2023 to assess the orphans’ most critical needs. We have already established partnerships with local charity organizations to ensure that our aid goes to the neediest children.

"In a few seconds, my world collapsed... I didn’t understand what was happening, neither immediately nor afterwards."
At 9 years old, Taym lost his parents, his sister, and his home. Today he endures life but refuses to continue living without his family.

“I lost my parents in a freezing night, without understanding why the earth was shaking under my feet,” says Leila.
She and her 4 brothers are now sharing a 5 m2 tent with their uncle and their 5 cousins. At 6 years old, her feelings, her emotions, her sadness, and her disappointments do not really matter because at this stage she is considered only a burden. Deep in her eyes I saw an indescribable terror. She knows she matters to no one.

“I miss my dad and my little brother… they are in heaven. My mom takes care of us, but she is sad. Our life is not like before. We are still afraid, and we are poorer than before.
Sahar, 8 years old, who already experienced nights of terror under the bombardments, was relocated with her family following the destruction of their house. Just when she thought that the worst was over, the earthquakes took her father and baby brother and destroyed her new home. Her confidence in life is completely shattered.

We can share countless such stories, each one reflecting the shattered lives of small children burdened by events far too heavy for their tender age. Surrounded by suffering, fear, distrust, and abuse, their reality is too painful and distressing to comprehend.

Each orphan, having lost both parents, finds solace with their extended family members - aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins who step forward to offer their love and support. To ensure effective assistance, we have partnered with the dedicated Molham Team to establish a network of skilled psychologists and compassionate social workers, strategically positioned in the earthquake-affected areas to provide these traumatized children with emotional support. The network will work with the children and their families to identify their specific needs and to offer tailored help where it's most required.

If you want to help us bring back smiles on the children’s faces, to warm their hearts, and to provide them with a better future, please donate here. Together we can really make an impact!

For French residents, a donation receipt is available upon request on;
For the others, a generosity receipt is always available :)

How your donation helps
ELMY For Children will visit the devastated areas in May 2023 to assess the orphans’ most critical needs. We have already established partnerships with local charity organizations to ensure that our aid goes to the neediest children.

Following an extensive analysis of the mental state of orphans residing in both Syria and Turkey, we are taking bold and decisive steps to ensure that they receive the utmost psychological support. Our approach involves two focused areas of action, meticulously designed to offer the most suitable and effective assistance:
A series of transformative awareness workshops designed to assist families of orphans in cultivating a healthy family dynamic and fostering a sense of unity and understanding. These workshops will provide families with the knowledge and tools to effectively support their young ones and to building a strong foundation for the children's holistic development.
Elmy for Children will offer tailored interventions to help the most “difficult” trauma cases for children between 9 and 16 years of age. Psychologists from the Molham Team will cater to their unique emotional needs in collaboration with Elmy for Children and provide regular follow-up and intervention.
Let’s put our hands together and gift them with another chance at life
If you want to help us bring back smiles on the children’s faces, to warm their hearts, and to provide them with a better future, please donate. Together we can really make an impact!
We are a registered French Association
Nº RNA: W751268659
SIREN #: 923 175 178
About Elmy for Children
Children are often the most impacted by natural and human disasters such as earthquakes, wars, and conflicts. At an age when they need love, care, and protection, many children’s basic needs are not met. Rather, they continuously experience insecurity, violence, and suffering.

This is where ELMY for Children steps in to provide each child with an opportunity to live a happy and nurtured life. Following the devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey on February 6, 2023, thousands of children, already suffering from civil war, became orphans and found themselves without a support system.

ELMY for Children was founded on February 17th, 2023, just ten days after the earthquakes to provide help to these children. At ELMY for Children, we will not just sit back, and watch children suffer while feeling sorry for them; we will help these children rebuild their lives so that they can live in dignity.

To every child – I dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace and be happy
— Malala Yousafzai
Our Mission
ELMY for Children’s purpose is to offer children not just their daily necessities (including food, shelter, and clothing) but also the psychological and educational support needed to thrive and feel loved by the world around them.

Our mission is to do everything in our power to be the voice of the most destitute children who have been forgotten by the rest of the world. These children have the right to grow up with dignity, regardless of their origin, race, religion, or nationality.
Help Children in need!
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